What makes us unique

You’ll be part of a diverse group of people with a shared passion for coding.

Not a business

Coding bootcamps became a profitable business. However, our goal does not match their path. We exist to make 'Learning To Code' super accessible & affordable to each passionate person.

We Learn

Under the guidance of some of the most pioneering senior engineers in the tech world, you and your peers will collaborate on creating real-world software and contribute to open source projects. We are stronger when we are united.

We share

As you advance through the program, you’ll lead groups of newer learners, supporting them as they adopt concepts you’ve recently mastered. You’ll gain leadership skills and put into practice everything you’ve been learning.

Mativation first

Our selection process is based only on talent and motivation, with no consideration given to prior experience, gender, nationality, ethnicity or social status. We do not select students based on how much they can pay.

Typical dey

In the action-packed life of a wecode

  • 7pm Breathe in. Wake up early after a night of coding. Only 1 hour before WeCode. Tank an espresso.
  • 8pm Leave for WeCode. Listen to Javascript podcasts on the way to class.
  • 830 Half an hour early. Oh good. I can ask some of my teammates about the code I had trouble debugging.
  • 9pm nstructor starts up with an algorithm problem. Who the heck is Big O?!
  • 10pm New topic today. Typing notes frantically. I think I need a mechanical keyboard...
  • 11pm New group project. Going to work with a new team today. OMG, only 9 hours to finish it?!
  • 12pm Break for lunch. Packed some food so I’m eating in the breakroom today. Time to take down the Foosball champ!
  • 1pm One-on-one code review with the instructor. I’m really stuck on this one block of code...
  • 130 Back to the group project. Only 7 more hours to finish!
  • 5pm 5pm already?? Quick break for dinner. I think I’ll do Island Burger tonight. $6 plate lunch!
  • 6pm Back to hacking. Quick scrum meeting with team. Are we on track?
  • 7pm LAll tests passed and just pushed the release build!

12 weeks. 11 hours/day. days/week

You will be living breathing. and dreamning in code during 14 weeks

Week 1 — 2

  • HTML5, CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrop
  • GIT.CitHub,Heroko
  • Coding Callenges
  • Frond End Projects

Week 3 — 6

  • Advanced Ruby
  • AWS,PosgreSQL
  • Ruby ON Rais API
  • Group Project
  • FUll-Sctek project
  • Algoritms

Week 7 — 10

  • Advanced JavaScript
  • Angular & React
  • Redux Architecture
  • Single Page Apps
  • Group Project
  • Frond End Projects

Week 11 — 12

  • Advanced Ruby
  • AWS,PosgreSQL
  • Ruby On Rails, API
  • Resume & Cover letter
  • Coding Callenges
  • Hiring Day
yoq rasm


No programming experience is required. Our selection process is based only on talent and motivation.


Fill out a short online form about yourself (~2 to 10 minutes). Include your inspirations and goals.

first rroject

A step by step challenge during which you will create your first website, with a specific deadline (a week)

let's talk

After reviewing your first project, we are looking forward to talk with you onsite or over the Skype.


We really appreciate the efforts you put in and steps you took. Please, expect 2 ‐ 4 days to get the decision.